error message Code:9,244,3


I cannot scan since downloading Windows 10.  It says: You don't have the required privileges to access the specified folder Code 9,244,3


hi bailey...i did everything as u said here...but why do i still get the same "do not have the privileges to access the speficied folder"? please help...i've been doing this the whole day

hi bailey...i did everything as u said here...but why do i still get the same "do not have the privileges to access the speficied folder"? please help...i've been doing this the whole day

may i have which software do u mean?


Hello ESME!

Here are the steps:

1.Go to windows defender,Open settings.

2. Open Virus and threat protection

3. Open Virus and threat protection settings.

4. Open manage controlled folder access.

5. Open allow an app through controlled folder access.

Hi Deepcanon,


already did all that but still to no avail...please help if u know any alternative ways to resolve this as im working from home and i really2 need this to be fixed as it is i have delayed a day in submitting my report just because of this...really appreciate your help

Feel sad to hear but as I told you this is only the possible way which I know. But I request you to take a closer look to all the step carefully and if still the problem persist then you can change the permissions of administrator to particular device that you want to access.

I posted this FIX back in Sept. 2018. This is a Windows 10 issue. This is a Windows 10 problem. This Canon Error Code 9,244,3 (when trying to scan a document) stared after I installed Win 10 Feature Update 1803. I tried everything suggested in this thread, plus a few other things, to no avail. I stumbled across the solution by clicking on the Windows message itself in the Notifications bar on the right side of the screen. Doing that presented me with a settings screen entitled (in tiny letters) Windows Defender Security Center. Under that it said Allow an App through Controlled Folder Access. Click the + sign to Add an Allowed App and up pops a mini file explorer. Browse to your Program Files folder(s) and select the executable (.exe) – in this case SCANUTILITY.exe. My Canon scanner (MX922) works fine now. As an alternative, open Windows settings, search for Controlled Folder Access to access the Add App panel to turn off the Controlled Folder feature entirely. Hope it helps.

Reposting with better spacing for readability...... This is a Windows 10 problem. This Canon Error Code 9,244,3 (when trying to scan a document) stared after I installed Win 10 Feature Update 1803. I tried everything suggested in this thread, plus a few other things, to no avail. I stumbled across the solution by clicking on the Windows message itself in the Notifications bar on the right side of the screen. Doing that presented me with a settings screen entitled (in tiny letters) Windows Defender Security Center. Under that it said Allow an App through Controlled Folder Access. Click the + sign to Add an Allowed App and up pops a mini file explorer. Browse to your Program Files folder(s) and select the executable (.exe) – in this case SCANUTILITY.exe. My Canon scanner (MX922) works fine now. As an alternative, open Windows settings, search for Controlled Folder Access to access the Add App panel to turn off the Controlled Folder feature entirely.

I tried all the solutions previously mentionned in this post and none works. Install with Admin privilege, turn off controlled Folder entirely, Add an application the access rights on the folders, change folder... And always the same message. Any Fix ? Any new idea ?

That worked for me like a charm!