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Windows 10 won't recognize MG 3520 printer


I can't get my Canon MG 3520 printer to work with my Windows 10 machine.  When I connect and disconnect the USB cable my computer gives me a notification sound, so I know it knows that something is connected.  I downloaded the driver's directly from Canon, and it hangs up when it's trying to connect to the printer.  It says a printer was detected, but that's as far as it goes.  I've also tries doing it wireless, and nothing.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi schoelta,


Please follow these steps:


1.  With your MG3520 powered on and USB cable connected, please right click the Windows button and left click on Device Manager.


2.  In the list that appears, click the arrow next to Print Queues.  If the MG3500 is listed, please right click it and left click on Remove, Delete or Uninstall.


3.  Click the arrow next to Universal Serial Bus Controllers.  If Unknown device or MG3500 is listed, please remove that as well.


4.  Please disconnect the USB cable and close Device Manager.


Once complete, please CLICK THIS LINK to download the driver.  When the download is complete, please open/run it to install, reconnecting the USB cable when prompted during the installation.






