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TS9120 Won't print whole page


My TS9120 always leaves the last several lines off of each page.  Since I got the printer to print legal documents requiring signatures, this means it is just taking up space in my house.  How do I make it useful?


Hello vfal and AKKaren.


In addition to ensuring the page will fit on the page to which you're printing (Shrink to Fit), particularly large or complicated pages may require a stronger signal strength between the printer and router (we recommend at least 70%). Low signal strength may result in slower print speeds and incomplete printing.  The signal strength may be found in the TS9120's wifi settings (tap the wifi icon on the home screen and, if prompted, agree to display passwords).


Keep in mind that, while the settings in Printing Preferences apply to most printing, some programs (such as Adobe or Google products) tend to feature their own proprietary print interface, and their own independent print settings.


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I have been struggling with this issue for some time with my Canon TS9020 (on Windows 10 Pro). At first it worked great, I was very happy, then, a couple days before the warranty ran out, it started paper jamming every time I duplex printed, so I had to stop doing that. I didn't do an RMA, and I'm regretting that, because then it started cutting off the last few lines of every page. No fix worked, except that I was able to print things at a reduced size and get the whole page.


Now, it just prints the top quarter of the page. It's a completely useless piece of garbage. I've checked all my printer settings, paper settings, wifi strength (89% 3 feet from the router), turned off/unplugged, reinstalled printer drivers, updated drivers, everything. Nothing works. The only thing that almost works is if I set the print quality to "high", then it will take forever to print two thirds of an amazon receipt, which is moslty a white page.


It's been a giant waste of time and money and I can't get the things done than I need done. At this point, I feel like Canon sold me a **bleep** product (I typed something other than "bleep") and should probably refund me for the printer, and all the time their junk product wasted. Not to mention all the ink an paper wasted on trying to fix it.

I agree with you wholeheartedly.  I had the same exact experience after a paper jam.  I have since started printing from the rear tray as the paper goes straight thru without wrapping around the rollers for duplex printing.  It still will not print a full page no matter what settings I have tried and no matter if it is an Adobe or Google product or not.  Besides that is not even a legitimate excuse as the problem did not exist before the paper jams. Moreover , Adobe documents from the internet are what I most need to print.

Had a similar issue after paper jam. Called support. They asked me to make a copy of a page to see if that was also an issue (a copy wouldn’t print the last several lines of a page). Copying had the same issue as printing. Rep said nothing he could do would fix it. Luckily I still had a month of warranty and was shipped a new printer.


I have a ts8220, purchased Dec 18, so its out of warranty.  All of the same issues mentioned here.  Using windows 10 on a Surface Go, smart devices and a pc.  I used to be able to duplex, print pdf's, photos, no problems.  Recently experienced a paper jam with the duplex and I haven't been able to print a full page since.  Paper jams about every 3rd or so sheet regardless of the feed and it won't print the entire page.  I've tried installing new drivers and just about every setting imaginable. 


I really need the printer to function as I'm working from home during the pandemic.  Canon apparently has a problem.  If I find time, I may contact canon, but my guess is it would be a waste of time.  I don't know what I'll purchase next, but I guarantee it won't be another Canon.  Anybody wanna buy some some slightly used 280/281 ink cartridges?

Hi Sleonard,


If you are experiencing paper feeding issues after a jam there are a few steps you can try. In this situation, I would suggest starting by opening the rear of the printer using the steps provided HERE to check for any obstructions or torn paper.

If you are still having feed problems after inspecting the rear, you can try a roller cleaning using the steps in the link provided HERE.


If the printer is still not feeding paper properly, it looks like there is something wrong with the paper feed. Outside of the 1 year warranty, you can contact our sales department at 1-800-652-2666 to use our Upgrade Program. The Upgrade program will give you a discount and free shipping on a replacement printer.

The line to do so is perpetually busy.  I tried as I would like to take advantage of that service.  Can you tell me if the printer is replaced with a new or refurbished one?  Is it the same model?  What do I do with the old printer? By the way, because of the paper jamming some tests cannot be completed.  The paper jams.

Thank you for the reply but I previously did both of those steps.

Hector, I just called and got thru!  YAY.  However, the offered discount toward a new purchase is 10%.  The cost on the website for my TS9120 which is just shy of two years old is $199.99.  I bought it May 16, 2018 at Best Buy for $149.00.  It is now rendered useless to me because it will not print duplex without jamming.  It will not print a full page no matter the settings.  It cuts the top or bottom.  The ink costs a fortune and runs out quickly.  And my only recourse is an upgrade for 10%?  I think I will not consider Canon for my printer needs again.  So sad.


I know I said I would not buy another canon printer but I just did. I had to. I purchased ink right before the TS9120 became inoperable.A tiny little plastic piece broke> It somehow guided the paper and was probably the reason for the paper jams that started the whole "can't print the whole page" episode. Part of the reason I resorted to a Canon again is because there are very few printers to be had anywhere and this was purely an economical move for me.  So my new printer, TR8520 is way more than I need and probably much more complicated for more things to go wrong but if lasts at least a year I guess I am ahead of the game. 


I'm convinced that the Photoshop print driver for the TS9120 has a bug that causes the paper to be ejected with only partial printing.


The Fix

Save the file to be printed from Photoshop as a JPEG. Then open and print it from My Image Garden. You may discover you also like the more detailed boarderless commands and graphic previews.
