

I am continuing to have problems with this printer!! I have it installed on my win7 desktop and my win10 laptop. Tried to print from laptop - no deal. Uninstalled it - reinstalled it. Still no deal. Bring document to win7 desktop - prints fine. Help!!


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi PV1,


Please follow these steps:


 1.  Press the gear icon at the bottom of the display of your PIXMA TS6020


 2.  Select Settings


 3.  Select Device Settings


 4.  Select LAN settings


 5.  Select Wireless LAN


 6.  Select WLAN setting list


Take note of the name next to SSID and also the number next to the IPv4 address.


On your Windows 10 computer, please click the box to the right of the time in the lower right corner.


In the menu that appears, click the Network box.  Is the name of the network that your laptop is connected to the exact same name as the SSID that was listed on your printer?  If not, please select the same network as your printer and then attempt to print.


If it was the same, please follow these steps:


 1.  Press the Windows key on your keyboard and the letter R, then let both go.


 2.  In the Run window that appears, type CMD and click OK.


 3.  In the Command Prompt window, please type:


PING xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

where the x's are the IPv4 address that was listed on your printer

for example, PING


 4.  Once that is typed, press the Enter key on your keyboard.


Did you get:

 - Timed out
 - Destination host unreachable
 - Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0




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Hi and thanks for info Patrick. I uninstalled ad reinstalled again - printed test page and document page I had created for test. I think (fingers crossed it's ok now. But it has been ok before and then gets cranky. I will print these instructions but I do have a question. "Press the gear icon at the bottom of the display of your PIXMA TS6020"..
I don't see that gear icon anywhere. Is that in the little window on the printer? Or, what/where?? Sorry to be such a dummy - I do appreciate your help. Thank you.

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi PV1,


Yes, the gear icon can be found on the display of your printer.



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Well just tried to print your instructions. Got an error msg. First it says, "offline" -- which it's not. Then it says error - cannot print. Then 5 minutes later -- IT PRINTS! I cannot do your fix today - I am running out of time. I will go thru steps tomorrow and let you know. Thank you so much.

Wanted to let you know that I have not done this fix as it prints fine now - it just says ;-- "printer offline" -- then it prints. When it acts up again, I will try your suggestion. , I don't want to say ACCEPT AS SOLUTION until I try it. Thanks.