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TS3322 won't connect to mac


I am running Mac OS Mojave and cannot get the printer added, since the "add" screen requires a driver, and I keep getting told, completely not helpful, that I don't NEED a driver. I can't print at all, neither through wireless nor USB. 


Screen Shot 2020-12-01 at 11.39.51 AM.png

All I need is SOMETHING to add as a "diver" to connect? Any ideas?




Same problem here... any updates???


go to and download the new drivers. canon hasnt updated the installer so that you can connect it through your computewr screen but you can still install the drivers to your computer and should be able to connect. you will have to delete the printer and reinstall it to your computer by pushing the minus and plus buttons. I had to do this with my printer . just google "how to uninstall and reinstall my printer in my mac" if you need help. 


Just got off Chat Support. The solution is fairly simple but not intuitive.


  1. Turn off the printer and disconnect the cable.
  2. Go to System Preferences > Printers & Scanners.
  3. Delete all printers.
  4. Control-click on the empty printer list: pop up should say RESET PRINTING SYSTEM. Choose that.
  5. After the system resets, reconnect the cable and turn on the printer.
  6. The printer should be auto-detected and added to the list without needing a driver.
  7. Add back in your other printers if applicable.


I'm running OS 10.14 on a MacBook with a TS202 printer and this worked for me. Hope it helps someone else.
