Problem with iP7200 CD printing


I try to print a CD on my iP7200 but it prompts me to close the inner tray but I can't with the J tray in place.  What do I do now?



Hi unhappy!
Welcome to The Canon Forums, and thank you for your inquiry! We appreciate your participation, however we need to let you know that your product seems to be a model that is not supported by our team here at Canon USA. The Canon Forum is hosted and moderated within the United States by Canon USA. We are only able to provide support for Canon products manufactured for the US market. If you live outside the United States, please click here and select your country or region for your support needs. Feel free to discuss Canon products sold outside of the United States, but please be aware that you will not receive support directly from Canon USA.


Please take a look at the FORUM GUIDELINES.

I had the same problem. This is what you do:


Printing a Disk Using Canon iP7250


1 - Use the Canon software; do not use Disc Cover 3!

2 - Remove the disc tray from the back of the upper cassette tray but do not insert yet.

3 - Proceed through the Canon software up to the point of final printing

4 - Open the front cover but not the inner cover

5 - Press Print. After a while, the amber light will flash twice

6 - Open the inner tray and insert the cd tray, with the blank cd in position, until the white arrows are in line

7 - Press the Resume button

8 - The cd should now print


This is the only way it will work. You must not open the inner cover until you have pressed for final print and

waited fro the amber light to flash twice. Then, open the inner cover, insert the tray and press resume.


Canon need to make this clear somewhere.


Hopoe this helps





Hi Sunnyjohn,


You are a genius. It works perfectly.   Thank you so much for your advice.


Unhappy (nomore)

When I select the print button, it brings up the printer settings page, and when I select print, I don't get the option to insert the cd tray. It just prints on plain paper from the bottom tray. What am I doing wrong?



Hallo Mary.


Yes, I've had this problem in the past and it is due to the confusing arrangement of that drop-down printer menu. Here's what you need to do:

- Click on the double arrow on the left of the box marked Preview - it's just below the orientation boxes.

- In the drop-down menu, click on Quality and Media

- Now you'll see a box marked Paper Source - click on the double arrow

- You'll now see in the drop-down menu an option for Disc Tray - click on that and off you go!


Let me know if it works.



Hey Sunnyjohn, I wonder if we're using the same software. Canon My Image Garden 1.1.2 is what came with my printer, and it is not user friendly. I created a label for my husband's video of Missouri wild life, and I'm trying to use that jpg as a background. The only option I see is to use their templates of which there are only 3, with 5 backgrounds to each theme. I can't seem to delete the text boxes or the photo boxes. Before this printer I was using the software that came with the Canon Pixma iP 4920. It was great and easy. However I did find the option to print the cd, but only using their themes. Operator error I'm sure.

Thank you so much


Hallo Mary


I thought, being a good citizen, I'd have a look at My Image Garden and see if I could help. Like you, MIG came with my printer software but I have never used it. Having spent half an hour with it, I can see why. I cannot make head nor tail of it!


Sorry I couldn't help and good luck with your project.



I'm glad I'm not the only one. Thank you so much good citizen Sunnyjohn. May I ask what program you use to make your cd labels?

Thank you again


 OK Mary


I use Canon Easy Photo Print EX. Having suggested that My Image Garden is pants, I have to say that Easy Photo Print is excellent. Here's a link:


However, note that this, I believe, is only supported by Mac computers, although I'm not too sure about that. If you have a Mac, you can download it from the link and it should run on your printer. If you can use it, it installs a button into your toolbar and your run it from there. When you click on the button, it opens a window giving you a number of options, one of which is CD label print. I'm a simple guy and I find it very easy to use! 


Let me know if you are able to use it. If not, I do have some other options.


