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Pixma TS9120 brand new - always offline


I have a brand new Pixma TS9120.  I am trying to connect using a Lenovo P51s running Windows 10.


The printer is successfully connected to wifi, but will not show up when I try to add a printer through the control panel.

I have installed the printer drivers manually using the canon website.  Sometimes it works and I can print temporarily.. more often, the printer connects while the drivers are being installed, then it immediately shows up as offline.


I have also tried the direct print method.  This does show up within the control panel, but then the printer is listed as not having a driver installed... There seems to be no way to direct it to the correct driver, which has infact been installed a number of times now.


In short, will likely be returning this printer if there is no easy/quick fix - can anyone help me?!


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi tthornton,


Please contact one of Canon's Technical Support Representatives via phone or chat. To contact a Technical Support Representative, please use the link below:


