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Pixma MX922 prints blank pages


My Pixma MX922 scans okay, but it suddenly starting printing blank pages.  Copies are blank now too.  I replaced all the ink cartridges, cleaned and then deep cleaned it several times, unplugged and replugged it several times, uninstalled the software and reinstalled the software.  Same result.  The Microsoft troubleshooter detected a problem with the printer, but couldn't identify the problem.  When I clicked on details, I got a long list of items that were inspected, and each item (e.g., replace ink cartridges) was marked issue not present.  Any ideas how to fix this?


Product Expert
Product Expert


If your copies and prints are blank, it would point to a problem with the hardware. You can try reseating the print head that the ink sprays out of using the steps in the link HERE. One the print head has been resat, you can try a nozzle check to see if any ink is getting to the paper. 

If the page is blank or colors are missing, you can try 3 deep cleanings to see if the issue is resolved. If the colors are still missing or if the pages are blank, it looks like the printer needs service. You can log into your MyCanon account to view any available service options for your MX922.


none of this worked 😞

I won't pay Canon $19.99 to talk to them unless they fix the problem.  I don't want credit for something I might not use again from Canon.  How ridiculous!
