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Pixma MG8120B scanner feature does not work with Windows 10


I spent many, many hours over a 2 week period with Canon's email tech support, Canon's phone tech support and my own independent IT support guy in a futile attempt to get my Pixma MG8120B to SCAN with Windows 10. Yes, we tried everything (I will kick the next person who tells me to uninstall and reinstall) and Canon's own tech support could not solve the problem. The problem? Canon's new driver for the Pixma 8100 series downloads and installs just fine BUT the computer then cannot link the driver to the SCANNER feature. The computer sees the new driver but it cannot link it to the SCANNER. The printer feature works just fine but the SCANNER (hello Canon) will not work either from the device itself or from the computer. At this point Canon blamed Windows 10 for having some kind of unidentified flaw and, of course, Microsoft blames Canon for a faulty driver. The old game of finger-pointing that leaves the cutomer holding the bag. Thanks guys. That's very helpful. I may have to revert back to Windows 7 just to get my SCANNER feature back.



Yes I now guess we have to buy a new printer. I will make sure it is not a Cannon.

Product Expert
Product Expert



What errors occur when you are unable to scan with the MP Navigator program?


Are you able to scan consistently with other computers in your home?


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I got rid of it and bought another brand. If a company does not maintain what they sell, I do not buy them.


Hey bud, sorry this is such an old post and I'm replying almost two years later. But, I had the same issue printing wirelessly (haven't tried wired connection), and installing the Cannon MP Navigator and scanning through it works like a charm. Very quick too. In case yous till have the printer. Hope this also helps someone else having the same issue.

Canon MP Navigator direct link  

