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PIXMA iP7220 printing pattern of blurry and clear lines


When printed from Notepad the lines look like this:




As you can see it's printing blurry and clear in a pattern, about 5 lines blurry, 2-3 lines clear, 5 lines blurry, etc.


I've run all typical fixes: cleaning, deep cleaning, print head alignment, plate cleaning, roller cleaning, replaced all ink carts, and then removed all the ink carts, swabbed everything down and put them in again.


Any ideas would be appreciated, I'm at a loss. Machine is roughly 3 years old and has been inactive for about year, thinking maybe the printing head might be dead?


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I am experiencing an almost identical problem with printing text from the PGBK cartridge on my PIXMA MX922.  There is a rough pattern from printing a line of normal text, gradually increasing double (side-by-side) images in succeeding lines, and then restarting the pattern over again.  Tried multiple deep cleanings, realignments, etc.  No change.  Does not happen with other colors.



I have exactly the same problem.


Any ideas?

Same thing for MG5500


I have the same problem - my letters are doubling.
I did the manual heads alignments, not helping.

Scans of printed pages are here:

I did the automatic heads alignment by this:
I did try cleanup the strip by this manual:

Not better.
My most concern is that all the numbers a double-printed.. on both pages. And the black E column on the pattern_01 is definitely not rectangular...

And one more thing - letters above the columns looks good!! No doubling! Only numbers, + and - signs and arrows are doubling...

Any suggestions?

I discovered a work-around which is to tell the printer the paper is matte photopaper and to print high quality.

It takes a while to print like this because it's using the photo ink, but for my needs it works because I don't do much printing.

I'd love to get to the bottom of why it won't print well from the text ink cartridge though.

Looks like the "Experts" answers only the first message with reference to some phone-experts - and the real solution has to be elaborated by the end users...


This Canon printer is my first and LAST printer I bought from this company who do not care about customers.

I have the same problem. I see from your thread and the following ones, Canon did nothing to help.

What did you end up doing ?

Has anyone solved this - other than printing as a photograph. 


I have an urgent project  - is my only option to buy a new printer. 


Thank you !!!!


I have the same problem with my Epson printer. I solve it. In Printer Preferences dialog, Advanced Tab, I have to untick High Speed which corresponds to bidirectional printing. See if your Canon have a similar option.

I find the solution in the web. While I searched, I found that Canon users has the same problem. So I registered here. Hope this helps.

This seems to be a problem with multiple Canon printers (I have a 5420 which is being a paperweight right now) and has been reported for at least several years.  It is a problem with black text and not color.  All of the usual, and the unusual fixes have been suggested and tried without success and those in the know seem to beliieve that it is a Canon problem, perhaps with firmway, perhaps fixed by replacing the printhead - but this usually is a solution more expensive than buying a new printer.  I gather than Canon's usual advice is to take the printer to a repair shop.   I am not sure - I haven't searched that much - whether it is a problem with the more expensive Canon printers.


I solved the problem by buying an Epson printer.   It isn't worth the grief to me fighting with the problem of which Canon clearly has no interest in solving (given by the deafening silence on the community with the number of times it has been raised).
