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PIXMA MX922 with error code B200 (Series MX920)

How do you clear the B200 Support Code on my Printer? I can't do anything with the printer until the B200 code is removed and does not pop up as soon as I power up the printer. AND what causes the B200 code to be active all of a sudden?? My printer is no longer in warranty, but has worked fine until this code issue appeared all of a sudden! Your nearest service center is over 250 miles away----hardly worth while to keep printer if no "work a round" is provided, and I doubt I'd buy another Canon if this issue is not resolved!
155 REPLIES 155

By any chance Cjcary35, did you do the deep clean procedure and then try to print? 

Was this the last thing before it stopped working and you got the B200 code?


Somewhere I read that a supposed tech said that many times that is what people have reported as the hari kari ritual just before it died. The suggestion was to leave it sit for 24 hours after performing the deep clean. 

yes this is the Business Model of maost all printer makers.  I have found you tube sources though that will help replace the ink cartriges with new chips that will let them work.  go to amazon and look it up

debillkeefe- Thank you! Had to perform it twice, but it worked the second time and I am back to normal printing. Sticky cartridges!!

IFabricgator - I did not do a deep clean process before the B200 error code.
Litterally using via airprint as well as from laptop one day and the next ..… B200 error. -
I have looked for you tube videos. I did follow the ones that apply to this printer except for the one where the guy takes to his fire put in backyard and smashes it. I really like this printer and want to fix if possible.

Apologies for the misspell fabricgator

Worked like a charm. Thanks... I was just getting ready to head out to buy a new non-Canon printer. Guess I won't do that <g>.


I tried all of this and more, working perfectly ran out of ink, rushed to the store to get a new set. Got back, installed and got the B200 error. I have a court date in the morning that I'm trying to copy papers for and print photos. I ripped it out of the wall and smashed it on the ground. Much more satisfiying when dealing with such a piece of crap. Brand new ink cartridges and wasted time for nothing. Nice job Canon, never again.


I had this error last night for the printer I bought a little over a year ago. The solution that debillkeefe suggested worked, but with a twist...


After following the instructions and trying to print again, I still got the error. So the second time I did it, I didn't print right away, but to try the Copy function to see if that worked. It took a few minutes even to copy a blank page but the printout did come out. I then tried printing again from my laptop and voila, it worked again!

The solution that debillkeefe suggested worked for me to the point when I tired prinitng and got Error 200 again.

Replace empty cartridges.

I calmed down, tried the process over again, this time I went ahead and tried printing from computer, printing window popped up with two buttons: "pause" and "settings".

Click settings, select "utility", choose "open printer utility" and hit "Cleaning", select "all colors"  and follow steps for simple cleaning. Let it do the cleaning cycle, print test page. If everything looks good, click OK and let it complete what ever it needs to do. Then shut it down and power on.

 Problem solved, it prints again. 


I was printing fine yesterday morning.  Late afternoon, I got the dreaded B200 error code.  Took out the print head, followed instructions on how to clean it properly (taping over gold connection dots, flushing water for a long time, leave to dry overnight).  Put it back in this morning and powered the printer on and....Error Code B200, still there.  Did a couple factory resets (holding down stop button, then hold down on button at same time for 3 seconds, then release on button and press stop button 5 times.  This did not work, as the machine simply went into a catatonic state while power was on.  The screen was blank and no functions worked.  I pulled the plug and tried the method of poster debillkeefe.  That solved the porblem for a few minutes.  I went into maintenance as I figured a deep cleaning of the heads was in order as well.  It started to run through the deep cleaning, and then the printer suddenly turned off, and will not power on at all anymore!  Pulled the plug and plugged it back in multiple times.  Tried the factory reset again.....nothing works.  I now have a barely 2 year old, 25 lb Canon paperweight on my desk.  


Anyone have any suggestions short of purchasing a new printer?  All suggestions greatly appreciated.  Thanks!
