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PIXMA MX397 IJ Scan Utility, Error Code: 9,230,0 MX390 series and win10 20H4


the scaner driver is working but the IJ Scan Utility software is not working with Error Code: 9,230,0. How to get IJ Scan Utility work?

Anyone have the same issue?
1. A new installed windows 10 20H4,
2. Connected by usb to canon MX397
3. install IJ Scan Utility and detected MX397 and installed MX390 series driver printer, fax and scaner

4. open IJ Scan Utility to scan, come with error code Error Code: 9,230,0

control panel > device and printer, there is no MX397 scaner in the image capture section,

I've found scanner need to working on this way, but there is no pdf and other functions:

so I go to control panel > device and printer> mx397 printer.

then right click, (i can see the scaner is there), then choose the top of menu "open", open up a canon page with printer, fax and scaner inside.

and click on scaner setting from the screen, the scaner can scan from this page with preview and scan from this page. (the driver is ij scan unitily not mx390 series)

read some post regarding to this issue - it is the firewall or security software block the IJ scan unitily software, but this is USB connection not network connection.
