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PIXMA MG3620 Printer Not Responding


I recently tried to print an email receipt with my printer, and the message "Printer Not Responding" came up on the small window for the printer. I tried re-installing the printer, but that didn't work. I tried to use phone support, but I no longer use the phone number I used to set up my account, so this forum is the only choice I have. 

I have a PIXMA MG3620 connected to a Windows Laptop



Did you try printing anything else besides the email receipt, before reinstalling the printer?  Printing an email is no different than anything else.

No, I did not. If printing an email is no different than anything else, why would it not work for an email, but would work for something else?

So are you saying you CAN print anything/everything else, and an email is the ONLY thing you can't print?

No, you did, or at least implied it was possible. This was the question you asked:

"Did you try printing anything else besides the email receipt, before reinstalling the printer?"

By asking the question, you implied that it was possible to print other formats, even when an email receipt cannot be printed. So, I tried printing documents stored on my laptop, including a photo. Every time, I got the same message "Printer Not Responding".  

Can you give me any actual help to solve the problem?

If you don't want to answer simple questions simply, can't help you.
