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PIXMA MG2220 won't detect new full print cartridge


I replaced both the color (241) and black (240XL) ink cartriges in my pixma mg2220. Now it shows full color ink, and low black ink still. I have tried reinstalling the black twice, but it still shows low. It does seem to print ok though. Ideas?


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Canon  TS9120


costco refilled tanks (gu=enuie Canon tanks) do not show correct ink level


following several procedures to correct did not help


i love this printer -- please help resolve this Canon shortcoming -- to seel more other their brand ink



I am having an issue with the MG5420.  Why do we need to go through a list of 30 steps to get a new printer ink cartridge to be recognized?  Shouldn't we just be able to put it into the printer?  This is very frustrating.  I know have no ink in my printer, and I don't have time to try to troubleshoot every time I need to install ink.


Is there a fast way to make this work?  I bought Canon ink, the exact same ink that comes with the printer.  It's not working.


I replaced the Magenta ink cartridge in my Canon MB2720 when printer required it but the color has not started flowing.  I have cleaned and deep cleaned the heads trying to get it flowing but no luck 

I cannot find a way to re-seat the cartridge because the printer won't offer up the cartridge track since none of them are detecting as empty


Please help 

I have the same problem, I have 2 Canon printers, the first one, NO LONGER PRINTING, and I purchased a new one MX 492. My problem right now is my printer- black ink is empty and replaced a new one and installed properly (both the color and the black) However, the screen always said "the ink cartridge is not properly installed". I did check everything and its properly installed.

Hi Braveheart1220.


Please open the cover to your PIXMA MX492 and remove both ink cartridges.


What is all of the text on each ink cartridge?




Your suggestion WORKED!!!! I did as you suggested. I removed all the ink then turned the power cord off, waited and turned it on then opened the lever and closed it to print and it worked!!! Now it prints!!! Thanks for the advice!!!

I have tried everything they say to do. I printer won't detect my new ink cartridge.  I would rather buy a new printer, this one is only a few months old, then go through this.


lots of info nothing works.


I have pixam ts3112 printer.


can anyone help me?


thanks carolyne

Carolyne I suggest you keep removing all the ink then remove the power cord off from the machine itself and wait a couple of minutes before you attach the power cord back to the printer then turn it on and open the lever to place the ink and close it to print something. I too was about to order a new Printer since I work from home but after a couple of times of doing these SAME steps it FINALLY worked!!!! If you decide to order a new printer don't discard the one you currently own since it might work in a week. 



Btw this was happening to me. I've just tried connecting printer via USB and turning off wifi so print it direct and it worked... Not a permanent fix I guess but if you have a cable and need something printed this might work. 
