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PIXMA G7020 not printing colors correctly



I have a PIXMA G7020 that has started printing colors incorrectly.  I saw another post which discussed a similar situation which didn't resolve with repeated deep cleaning and required a replacement printhead to correct the issue.

My first nozzle check print printed black, cyan, and magenta but not yellow.  After deep cleaning a couple times, it printed all colors but yellow was faint.  After further cleaning, it is only printing black and magenta.

I've attached a picture of the nozzle check printouts.  I've also attached a screenshot of the ink levels.

Thanks in advance.Ink levelsInk levelsNozzle check printoutsNozzle check printouts


Product Expert
Product Expert


If you have done multiple cleanings and a ink flush and the issue persists, then your printer has experienced an internal hardware issue and would need to be replaced. 

If your printer is out of it's 1 year warranty, you would qualify for the Canon Upgrade Program. This is for out of warranty units which have been diagnosed to require service, or for some reason are incompatible with a new or upgraded system. This option allows you a one-time opportunity to purchase a replacement product, discounted from the list price.

If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please the Canon Sales Department at (866) 443-8002 Mon-Sat, 9 AM to 9pm EST excluding holidays.

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Thanks for the additional information. After I made this post, I found information on the ink flush. After doing that it has been printing correctly. If I have further printing issues, I’ll contact about the Upgrade program. 

Thank you for your tip about the ink flush.  It worked perfectly.  I will need to add more ink now but that's OK!  Thank YOU!


It is probably the color print head, which would be an easy fix.  I too have a problem with my G7020 printing color.  The problem is you can't get another color print head...mine has been on backorder since June.

Does this apply for CanonG7020 replacements after just 1 yr warranty expired? I purchased mine June 13 2022 and have been having trouble nort even 1 week out from the warranty ending, now Ive had to change printer heads and flushed and cleaned and printed and been working on this for the past 5 days still having the issue of super dark prints and blurry murky looking...totally upset as I have always loved canon!

