PIXMA G3270 - Paper Jam Error




I have your Canon Mega Tank G3270 and I am having a problem.

When a page is finished printing it doesn’t eject fully.

If I wait a little longer then the printer reverses the page back in a little and then ejects it fully however, then there is an orange exclamation sign light comes up on the printer control panel and the message on the printer screen indicates that there is a paper jam when there is no paper left in the machine.

I have only had this printer for a couple of months. Please advise how I can resolve this issue.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Alka,

Please contact one of Canon's Technical Support Representatives via phone or chat. To contact a Technical Support Representative, please use the link below to log into your My Canon account:


Once logged in, click on your PIXMA G3270 and then click on the Product Support button. When that page loads, click on either the Phone Support button or the Chat Support button to access support. A Technical Support Representative can determine the cause of the issue and resolve it or provide you with your available service options.






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Why do I need to go through the unnecessary hassle of signing up to talk to someone?

Thank you

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Alka,

Signing up would be necessary in order for you to obtain service for your printer.






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