PIXMA G3262 horizontal lines


The printer is creating horizantal lines. I updated the software settings to a higher resolution and slowed down the print speed. This helped a little but not much. I did a nozzle check and the alignment/saturation was way off. I did a nozzle clean and then deep clean. I did a head alignment. No improvement. Attached is the most recent nozzle check. The unit it is only 2 months old and has been used maybe 5 times. The lines appear to be getting worse with time.



Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Reidy1103,

Because this issue is hardware related, it is recommended that you contact one of Canon's Technical Support Representatives via phone or chat. To contact a Technical Support Representative, please use the link below to log into your My Canon account:


Once logged in, click on your PIXMA G3262 and then click on the Product Support button. When that page loads, click on either the Phone Support button or the Chat Support button to access support. A Technical Support Representative can determine the cause of the issue and resolve it or provide you with your available service options.











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