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MX922 Support Code 1403


I've had my MX922 for several years and it has worked fine.  After printing something two days ago, I went to print something and I got a support code 1403:  The type of print head is incorrect.  Install the correct print head.  Now I have had those print heads in for months, so it wasn't a new print head. How can I reset this printer or remove the error code?



The error 1403 (also U05) is causing a lot of anger in the community.

Strangely, the problem is partly caused by bad translation of the error message from the Japanese to other languages.


The message that users get is, as follows: "The type of print head is incorrect".

A better message would be: "An error has been detected in the print head".


Users are also told to replace the print head with the "correct" one.

The meassage seems to suggest that the print head has surreptitiously been exchanged when you weren't looking.


Instead of telling users to install the correct print head, the mesage  should say somthing like:

"Please replace the print head".


The problem stems from the fact that Canon developers are using the words, "correct" and "incorrect" instead of words like "working" and "defect".


*** The solution to the problem is to purchase a new print head ***


In some cases, the cost of the print head exceeds the cost of a new printer.

However, in cases where the printer has functions like, duplex printing, and printing on CDs, etc., it is cheaper to buy a new print head than to purchase a new printer with all the functions you need.


This answer does, of course, not address the fact that Canon print heads should not fail to the extent that they obviously do.  It is even conceivable, that Canon's print heads have been manufactured with built-in obscelescence.

Canon should be taken to task for this apparent malpractice.


I have just bought a new print head QY6-0083-000 and it fixed the 1403 error that my MG7550 printer had.

I even put the old print head in another printer (MG6350) which uses the same the same head  technology, and the System Code 1403 came up as expected.  So it is definitely the print head that is causing the fault.


I hope this posting helps remove some of the emotion from the debate, and offers users a basis for planning whether to buy a new print head, or to purchase a new printer (and probably not a Canon).


Canon, please read this posting and:

    1.  Please, correct the rather stupid 1403 (and U05) messages so they say what you actually mean.

    2.  Please re-engineer your print heads to give users more acceptable length of service for their money.


It is coming up 4 months since I cleaned the print head area on my MX926 to get rid of the '1403' problem and the issue has not resurfaced in that time. Maybe I'm just lucky.

Can you please describe how you "cleaned" your print head.

I still have the faulty head and would like to try to resurrect it.

If it works for me, I'll amend my posing.



G'day MJ

1st set the printer up to where you can access the cartridges, then turn the power off. This will allow you to move the head back and forth.

I took all the cartridges out and cleaned them with lint free tissue and cotton buds. I also cleaned in and around where they fit into.

I then cleaned all the rails and rollers as much as I could get to without dismantling anything.

Next I blotted up as much ink as I could from the little felt blotters where the heads rest at idle on the RHS. These felt blotters, I think are the main problem. You will find that there is quite a lot of ink in these blotters(I used 2-3 tissues to soak it up).

I didn't take the head out at all.

As I stated in an earlier post, I had the issue many years ago with odd error codes on a heap of Canon printers we were using at the time, and cleaning these felt blotters solved the issue.

From memory I think the felt pads can be taken out and I washed them in Metholated spirits or white spirits, dried them and replaced them and away the printer went.

All up about 5 - 8 minutes work.

Lets know how you go.



I think the problem in my case is different because, when I move the print head from one printer to another, the fault goes with it.  The problem, in my case, is therefore not in the printer, but in the head itself.


This is not to say that the error 1403 cannot be caused by ink or dirt which appears to have been the cause in your case.  


In summary:

  • First try to clean the area around the print head.
  • If the fault remains then, if possible, try to install the print head in another printer (printer B).
  • If printer (B) shows the 1403 error message, then the print head is faulty.
  • Otherwise it is the original printer that is causing the error.




Given those circumstances, I think your right.

All that remains to do is compare the price of a new head against the price of a new printer.


Getting any error codes indicating print head damage or ink tank out when it' has ink in it, do a DEEP CLEAN.  Might have to do it 2 or 3 times.  Sometimes just on black or one color.   Worked for me.  Keepng the nozzles unclogged by cleaning usually keeps prnter operating trouble free.


The problem is that the message you recaived is badly translated from the original Japanese.

The translation should read, "The print head is faulty", instead they wrote , The print head is incorrect".


You can fix the peoblem by buying a new print head, because the one you have has developed a fault.


I've had multiple PIXMAs over the years and consider them disposable with a service life of about 1.5 to 2 yrs. max, with light duty printing.  Marginal print quality, print jobs that quit mid-print, scetchy scanning and now the support code 1403 has brought us to the end of the line.  The DIY fixes here and ridiculous Canon company posts have no effect.  I am done with Canon printers and their silly posts!  Wife's MX922 died two months ago and was replaced with Epson Ecotank and mine died today with the subject 1403 error code.  Will likely replace with a non-Canon product.  Sadly, have quite a bit of ink to send to the landfill, non-Canon ink, of course.


 My Canon mg 5550 ( coming up to 4 years  old> has suddenly developed the error code 1403 even though it was printing the day before. Tried everything suggested on the Web with no joy.

No point contacting Canon as it appears they are useless as well and have no interest in resolving the problem.

There seems to be an awful lot of complaints about this code on various Canon printer models.

This is obviously an manufacturing fault in these machines or a Con by Canon to get us to buy a new Machine.

It seems Canon have washed there hands over this matter because it is a a huge problem.

There should be some way Canon should be held to account. There should be a system similar like when a common fault develops in Cars the Car Manufacturers are made to recall their vehicles and fix the problem.

Come on canon own up.

The price of a new Printhead is ridiculous so I have now bought an HP printer.

I will not be going back to Canon.

Perhaps if we all did this they would get the message.
