MX920 Series printer not responding.


I have installed a latest the printer, and reinstalled many times, but I couldnt print it from my laptop. My laptop is using windows 10. Also, I couldn't check the ink levels in my laptop. Is there anything else I can do? I just purchase this printer a few days ago from Amazon? I don't want to return it. Please help this. (I can print from cloud google printing)


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi vinhkha,


Uninstalling the network port and printer driver and reinstalling them will resolve this issue. To do this, please follow these steps:


1. Put the PIXMA MX922's CDROM in the CDROM drive. If the welcome screen appears, exit it.


2. Click on Start and then All Apps.


3. Click on Windows System.


4. Click on RUN.


5. Click Browse. In the Browse window, click on "Computer".


6. Double click the CANON_IJ CDROM.


7. Double click the folder named WIN.


8. Double click the folder named Driver.


9. Double click the folder named DrvSetup.


10. Double click the file named DELDRV64.


11. In the Run box click OK and follow the on-screen prompts to remove the driver.


Once complete, please follow these steps:


1. Click on Start and then All Apps.


2. Click on Windows System.


3. Click on RUN.


4. Click Browse. In the Browse window, click on "Computer".


5. Double click the CANON_IJ CDROM.


6. Double click the folder named WIN.


7. Double click the folder named Driver.


8. Double click the folder named LAN.


9. Double click the file named CNMNPU.exe


10. In the Run box click OK.


11. Follow the prompts to uninstall.


Once complete, restart the computer.


To install the unit for use over your network wirelessly, please follow these steps when the computer restarts:


1. Press the <Menu> button on your PIXMA MX922.


2. Select Setup and press the <OK> button.


3. Select Device settings and press <OK>.


4. Select LAN settings and press <OK>.


5. Select Wireless LAN setup and press <OK>.


6. Select Other setup and press <OK>.


7. Select Advanced setup and press <OK>.


8. Follow the on screen prompts to complete the setup.


Next, please download the latest driver for your PIXMA MX922:


1. Visit Canon's website at:


2. Type PIXMA MX922 in the "Enter Your Model Name" box and click GO.


3. On the Support page for your unit, click the 'Drivers & Software' link in the middle of the page.


4. Click on Drivers.


5. Click on the MX920 series MP Drivers.


6. If you agree, please select the checkbox next to "I have read and agree to the terms of the Disclaimer and wish to

continue with the download".


7. Click on the Download button.


8. If the Save As box comes up, click Save.


9. Once the download is complete, open the Downloads folder.


10. Double click the [mast-win-mx920-1_0-ucd.exe] file.


Files will extract. Follow the prompts and the installation will complete.

After working 3 days on this problem I finally got my printer working using this process.  It didn't work exactly as written but if you have a little computer savy and you realize that you can get to the files they want you to get to in other ways because the way they tell you doesn't work, the process will resolve the problem.  Thank you!
