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MX700 and Windows 10


Installed Windows 10 and my MX700 no longer works.


There appear to be no available drivers, and the message from Canon is to upgrade my printer.




No worries, Glad it worked out for you! my three hours of trial and error was not in vain! lol

I fell <Removed Per Guidelines> -backwards into this fix too!


After trying and failing to get the scanner to work about a month ago after my Win10 upgrade, I was resigned to the fact that I had to go buy a new printer (an HP or something OTHER than a Canon).  Tonight, I went to the Canon page, downloaded the Windows 8.1 driver instead!  It apparently found 1 file that was out of date and updated it.  Reinstalled the entire suite of software, rebooted a couple times, and VOILA!  I got my scanner back!!

I have the same problem and found other forum using difficult instruction. Below was what I did to make it work.

1. Download idlt-win-mx700-2_5_7-en for widow 8 from canon support site. Change the downloaded file properties in select to run in compatible mode in window 8".

2. Did the same thing for mpnx_1_0-win-1_08-ea23_2 from canon website.

3. Install item (2)

4. Install item (1). Reboot.

5. Turn ON MX700.

6. Chang properties of "Canon IJ Network Tool" application to Window 8 compatible mode before run the application. It will detect the printer and scanner. Confirm both.

7. Change properties of MP Navigator EX 1.0 to Window 8 compatible mode before running the application.

It should work. I repeated this procedure twice to make the scanner work in my desktop and laptop. I am very happy that the issue is finally resolved.

Thank You SmD71nG. This worked for me and saved me the purchase of new printer for my office. I was not so angry that I would have jettisoned Canon, the MX700, is old for a printer, but I was frustrated. Your work to discover a work around made my morning.

Thank you very much for this detailed work-around!

No worries CottonwoodJay, I am glad it worked out for you.  I was extremly frustrated myself that just because I had an OS update that hardware would lose functionality and was very diligant in finding a way to get it to work again.

Eureka!   I bought a laptop with Windows 8, upgraded to 8.1, then 10.  Very dismayed that the scanner stopped working at the W10 upgrade.  I don't understand why Canon would abandon this product, and then neglect to tell us about such a simple solution, which they must have known about.


I followed these instructions, down-grading to a Windows 8.1 version of the drivers and MP Navigator, and seems to work like a charm.  In hindsight, an obvious thing to try, but it didn't occur to me until I saw this post.


Thanks for sharing!

Dude SmD71nG, I never sign up for these forums but you sir are a wizard and i just wanted to let you know that i registered specifically to say thanks for saving me who knows how much time and potential money and headache from significant other freaking out that they can't scan in their pictures.


you are a saint, and you are doing god's work. *High-Five


Hi all,


First thanks to SmD71nG


On my side I install last week Windows10 from zero.


To print no problem :  I use md6l-win-mx700-1_02-ea24 for Windows 8.1 x64 to find my network printer.

and the installation is successfull and print also.


To scan no problem : I use Windos Fax and Scan and wonder ! I found my printer.


More discriminatory: if you live in the USA, Canon gives you a special deal to replace the PIXMA MX700.


If you live elsewhere ... it is your sole problem.
