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MX430 printer does not print. "Canon IJ preview is in operation"


I have a Canon MX430 printer that works great. Yesterday I printed to it just fine, no problems. But now it won't print. I can send jobs to it, but all I get is a popup that says "Canon IJ preview is in operation". From there I go to dvice manager and I see my print jobs, but it says error next to it.


Two laptops are running Windows 7, a desktop has Winodws Vista and my iPad can't find the printer anymore. The three computers see the printer just fine. I've turned off the printer and restarted it, I've re-added it to my network, there are no error codes and the light says that it is connected to my network.


What am I missing? What could be going on?




me three

Hello Mark1234!

Welcome to the Canon Forums and thanks for your post!

To have a better understanding of your issue, please let everyone know what operating system (Windows Vista/7/8 or Mac OS 10.X) you are using. That way, the community will be able to assist you with suggestions appropriate for your product.

Any other details you'd like to give will only help the Community better understand your issue!

If this is a time-sensitive matter, our US-based technical support team is standing by, ready to help 24/7 via Email at or by phone at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666) weekdays between 10 AM and 10 PM ET (7 AM to 7 PM PT).

