MP530 problems with Yosemite


Aftger installing Yosemite my MP Navigator software never worked properly.  The app would launch and would interact with the MP530 but the buttons for attaching to email, save, etc were ghosts buttons.  So i deleted the app and tried to find it to reinstall. However I can't find another MP Naviagator app to install, tall I can find is the MP Naviagator EX which does not work.  So I went looking for other apps. Vuescan works perfectly but was trying to find a less epxensive solution.  So I tried PDF view from app stpre and that doesnt see the device  nor does the native Image Capture.  I hate buying hardware that does not have the proper driver upgrades to support operating system upgrades.  So look Vuescan can stay on top of the upgrades but image capture and pdf viewer cant talk to the MP530.  any helpfuyl suggestions?



Hi zanus,


We do not have drivers or a version of MP Navigator software for the PIXMA MP530 compatible with the Yosemite operating system.  We ask that you please call or email us at one of the methods on the Contact Us page for other options available to you.

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Hi zanus,


We do not have drivers or a version of MP Navigator software for the PIXMA MP530 compatible with the Yosemite operating system.  We ask that you please call or email us at one of the methods on the Contact Us page for other options available to you.

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