MG3120 scanner


My Canon MG3120 scanner plays a tune when scanning - How can I turn this sound off?


Accepted Solutions


Hi rs41,


You can turn off the tune that is played in the ScanGear Preferences.  To do this, please follow these steps:


1.  Open MP Navigator.


2.  Click on SCAN/IMPORT at the top of the window, then select PHOTOS/DOCUMENTS (PLATEN).  


3.  In the next window that opens, click the box for "USE THE SCANNER DRIVER", then click the green SCAN button.


4.  In the ScanGear window that opens, click the PREFERENCES button at the bottom of the window.


5.  On the SCANNER tab in the window that opens, ensure the boxes for "Play Music During Scanning" and "Play Sound When Scanning is Completed" are unchecked, then click the OK button.


6.  Close out of the ScanGear window.


Hope this helps!

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Hi rs41,


You can turn off the tune that is played in the ScanGear Preferences.  To do this, please follow these steps:


1.  Open MP Navigator.


2.  Click on SCAN/IMPORT at the top of the window, then select PHOTOS/DOCUMENTS (PLATEN).  


3.  In the next window that opens, click the box for "USE THE SCANNER DRIVER", then click the green SCAN button.


4.  In the ScanGear window that opens, click the PREFERENCES button at the bottom of the window.


5.  On the SCANNER tab in the window that opens, ensure the boxes for "Play Music During Scanning" and "Play Sound When Scanning is Completed" are unchecked, then click the OK button.


6.  Close out of the ScanGear window.


Hope this helps!

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Just what it needed. Thank you.