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MG-7520 red orange triangle lightening bolt, not powering on


My MG7520 is getting a red orange triangle with lightening bolt when plugged in. Otherwise no activity, no LCD screen, no power-up.


I've already tried power cycling it multiple times with long waits. 


This happened after the printer was bumped. Maybe is has a shock sensor? Can more diagnostics be read from it via USB? Any way to soft reset the master warning?


How do I get into chat with a technician? 


Thanks much.


I tried purchasing a power supply from Canon with no luck ... not available.  I finally ended up purchasing one from China, that was pulled from another printer (claimed it was 'good', but no guarantees) and that one did not work.  Short of buying multiple power supplies hoping for one to work ... I have no idea what to do.  So far there is no description for doing any electrical evaluation that would pinpoint the real issue.

Hi Steel. I thought of that same thing but I don't trust ordering used from so far away.

I cleaned my printer head with hot water yesterday. Not a fix. 
I left it unplugged from the power source over night and after plugging it back in, it showed signs of life. The orange lightening bolt was lit up. 

With the cartridges reloaded today I got a 203B Printer Head error. So I doubted my cleaning technique. And sure enough I didn't get it very clean. This time I disassembed the head and found small dried piece of ink. Im soakinging it in rubbing alcohol. I am getting a lot more ink out  of it.  3 hours of soak and rinse and it's still coming out. 

I'll post my results tomorrow.


Thanks for posting.


I just got the Orange triangle/lightning bolt for the first time.  Turned out I only needed to put paper in tray.   All working fine now.    Guess I got lucky.

You guys are so full of **bleep**! The printer is set to die after about 24mth or until the stupid ink tray throws an error and needs to get replaced.

Shame on you Canon for lying to your customers!


same problem on my 7550. 

Can anyone actually confirm that Canon support managed to fix this issue without replacing the printer or parts of it? 

It's not a power supply problem. I have the same problem on a brand new, 2-week old canon pixma G7020. Guess why I used this user name for this forum.


I was able to fix mine. I got the triangle of death when I plugged straight into a wall socket. I plugged it into a surge protector and still had it. I ended up just unplugging the power cable from the back of the printer over and over until the light didn't come back on. Had to do it about 4 times. So, basically, plug it in, triangle comes on, unplug, plug back in when light goes away, triangle comes on.....until it stops coming on. 


Found this answer on another thread from Canon support. It worked for me. My issue occurred after a power outage. I also plugged into a regular outlet (no surge protector) and plugged unplugged several times. I have a very old Pixma MG7720, so couldn't even register it to get access to a support person because I don't remember the purchase date.  Maybe they figure it should be dead by now.

"I recommend performing a reset of the printer. While the printer is on, unplug the power cord from the printer. While the power is off, press the power button 5 times. After 60 seconds plug the power cord back in and power on the printer.

If the error will not clear after the restart then the printer will require service."
