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IP2702 problem printing


This is the 4th Canon printer I have owned. The last one was an IP3600. The IP2702 prints fine EXCEPT when you try to print an online USPS mailing label or coupons off the internet (i.e. Lowe's), anything with an image. It will print the text but teh area where the image is supposed to be is blank. After much discussion on the phone with Canon I thought I had resolved the problem by installing Easy-WebPrint. It will now print USPS labels and coupons on the internet just fine BUT now it will NOT print coupons sent to my email (LiveMail).

I asked the Canon rep on the phone WHY my other Canon printers never had issues like this but the IP2702 does? He had no answer. Did Canon re-engineer the software recently? It is NOT a Hardware issue. To temporarily resolve the label printing issue (before downloading Easy-WebPrint), I would save the documet as a PDF or JPG file and then print. Same with the on- line coupons. Printed fine.

I have downloaded the drivers THREE times, so that isn't it. Looked at the printer settings and saw nothing unusual there either.

HELP ! ! ! !   I have spent DAYS trying to get this resolved.

Computer is Lenovo i7 running Windows 7 and I have tried the IP2702 on TWO other computers (both Windows7) and the problem is there in all cases.



Guess what.... I solved my own problem and hope that this will resolve anyone else's issue with their IP2700 series printers NOT printing images (see original post).

As stated in my original post, CANON CUstomer Support was useless.. and I doubt that I will ever buy another CANON product in my lifetime. This has been such a struggle that I never want to go thru this again. O.K. enough of my whinning.


HERE'S THE SIMPLE SOLUTION. Go to the CANON website and download the printer driver labled "series 2700 XPS". THAT'S IT. Don't you think the "experts" at customer support should know this  ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? Geeeeeez.


