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I need to print personal checks on my Canon MX922


All of the feeds don't seem to go down to 2 3/4 inches wide which is the width of a personal check?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi! Thanks for posting in the Canon Community Forum. I see that you need to use your MX922 to print on checks that are 2.75 inches wide.


The MX922 can print on paper that is a minimum of 3.5 inches wide. The paper guides will not retract to less than 3.5 inches wide. If your checks come in a sheet (5x7, 8x10, or 8.5x11 inches) it would be better to print multiple checks at once.


If you would like to see the recommended media types for your printer, please visit the following page of the online manual:


I hope this information helps. Thanks again.


I had the same problem.  I made my check layout on a 4" x 6", in Word.  Then I would print it out, on plain paper till it lined up with the lines on my check. Then i took a 4 x 6 of photo paper and folded 2 sides up, to make a tray that measures 2.75" inside.  Then I taped it down, centered in my photo tray.  Works perfect, printer thinks it's printing on a 4" x 6" paper. It's a shame that the printers guides won't narrow down so that you could print checks.  Maybe Canon will come up with something.

