I just downloaded update for MP610 printer on my Mac OS 10.5.8


After downloading update, printer will not work.  It seems to be locked in the "hold" position and an exclamation point appears on the "hold" icon.


Any suggestions?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello kcondie.


Please try the following adjustment to see if we can correct this issue:


 1.  Click the Apple and choose 'System Preferences'.

 2.  Open the 'Print and Fax' menu.

 3.  Highlight and delete any copies of the Canon Printer listed on the left by clicking the minus (-) sign.

 4.  Click the plus (+) sign.

 5.  Click 'Default' on the upper left corner.  Wait a few moments, then highlight the USB version of the printer. 

 6.  Click 'Add' on the bottom right corner when it becomes available.


Once this has been done, try printing to test the connection with the printer.


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