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Canon TS9020 takes way too long to print 1 page


Why does it take 20 minutes to print, it says procesing for 15 minutes for one measley word document.  i have no idea how to speed this process up.


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Cardinals,


It is recommended that you contact one of Canon's Technical Support Representatives. To contact a Technical Support Representative, please use the link below:


I have read the Canon runs a cleaning cycle at intervals it chooses. I suppose this explains why my Canon, which I love for photo printing, frequently acts so stupid.


It does not take 20 minutes, but at unpredictable and extremely frequent intervals it will whirl around forever before it prints. There is no pattern to when this happens.This makes me lose my train of thought. I become angry (silently furious, really)and stressed, which is bad for anyone's health.


Now that I have just read it is a built in feature that the machine operates this way, I feel robbed, disrespected, duped, stupid, and trapped. Trapped because my budget has no room for buying a different printer. Stupid, duped, and disrespected for being such a blindly loyal fan of Canon printers for so long. And I mean, a long time. I'm 67 and have only ever owned Canon printers. Robbed of time and productivity, and probably money, too, if the ink gives fewer copies than advertised due to this operating characteristic, as I have also read. Robbed of my hobby time, my fun and joy, because I avoid using the printer to avoid the high cost of replacing the ink so often. And I am trapped enduring this until this printer breaks.


Canon keeps its mouth shut and allows customers to remain unhappy. We get no thanks for loyalty. We get no help at all of any kind in this matter. (Canon community boards do not count. Who knows they exist?) We are ignored.


Canon is unethical in the business sense, and immoral in the human sense.


I plan to spread the word.





Hi pjump! 

The Forum is not intended for immediate help, but a place to allow for the Community to give you assistance and feedback.

If you are in the United States and this is an urgent support need, please CLICK HERE to reach our friendly Technical Support Team. 

If you live outside the United States, please click here and select your country or region for your support needs.

We hope this helps! 
