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Canon Printer E510 -wavy lines problem and blurred wording, sometimes italic.




I have a problem now with my 1 year old canon E510 printer. Print out showed wavy vertical lines and some words blurred, some italic like.


I did the print head alignment from computer and also manually keying in the best values but to no effect.


Next i cleaned the transparent timing tape, again no effect.


Then i noted if i changed the words and lines to colors they are ok, so the problem seems to affect only print out in black color.


What else can i do besides sending it to Canon for service?


Sometime ago, i had jam paper which i forcefully pulled out, but then the wavy and blurred out black color prints only happened recently. When the paper was jammed, i was printing letter in black color. Could this mean the black printer head was moved and thus misaligned and need service?


Can the  printer head of only black color affected whereas the printer head of color inks not affected ,by that pulling out the jammed paper?


Would appreciate any input from anyone, thanks in advance.




anyone can help to give some input?

Hi, jamesID!

Welcome to The Canon Forums, and thank you for your inquiry!

We appreciate your participation, though we need to let you know that your product seems to be a model that is not supported by our team here at Canon USA.

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Feel free to discuss Canon products sold outside of the United States, but please be aware that you will not receive support directly from Canon USA.

Thanks for choosing Canon!

thanks for the clarification. 
