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All of a sudden my printer will print in any colour except black


Pixma MG6250


All of a sudden my printer will print in any colour except black, I've run half a dozen deep cleans, run the check nozzle, it appears as though Black: PGI-525PGBK is the culprit if the nozzle check is to be believed.


I swapped out a 3/4 full tank, with a brand new one, just to make sure.






Welcome to The Canon Community, and thank you for your inquiry!

We appreciate your participation. However, we need to let you know that the Canon Community is hosted and moderated within the United States by Canon USA. We are only able to provide support for Canon products manufactured for and used within the US market. The PIXMA MG6250 isn't sold or supported by our team here at Canon USA, nor do we support PGI-525PGBK. 

If you live outside the United States, please CLICK HERE and select your country or region for your support needs.

You're welcome to discuss Canon products sold outside the United States, but please be aware that you will not receive support directly from Canon USA.

Thank you for responding.


I'm in Australia, I appreciate being allowed to post a question.


Okay so the Pixma MG6250 isn't sold in the USA, it is still a Canon product isn't it?


I have been reading posts varying models, that are all experiencing the same problem.


Is there no general guide for this problem?

No, because different models have different menus. We recommend reaching out to support in your region for immediate technical support. 
