ADF printing problem - MX922


MX922 has worked fine for over a year but now printing from platen works fine, but any copying involving the adf shows a black line down the left side of every sheet printed. Did all the cleaning from the menu, but problem persists - single sheets copied via the platen are fine and every sheet copied via the adf has the black line.  Any help would be appreciated. 



Hi Dukek1,


Click HERE for instrucdtions to clean the PIXMA MX922 ADF.  This should resolve the issue you have described.


If you continue to have difficulties, please contact our support group using the following link:

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James C thanks for your response, but I could not open the - server address could not be found. I did click on the support group link and left a message there.  Thanks for your help.

Hey there, Dukek1!


Apologies for the confusion, the link went to an internal technical support resource. I've attached a PDF of the file to this post. We hope this helps!



Stephen, thanks for the help. I had previously tried what is shown in the pdf to no avail. I ended up calling your sales dept and ordered a new MX922 under your Loyalty Program.

When the new one  is setup I 'm going to take apart the old one to try my hand at a fix for a back up. My wife is laughing at me already !

I am having this problem now too! I have cleaned the ADF and the scanner glass multiple times. I have actually done all of the cleaning and nothing has worked.

Please let me know what I can do to get rid of the black line.

Hi kimday,


If you scan using the scan glass (instead of the automatic document feeder), does the line appear?




No, it was only when using the auto doc feeder. I called Canon yesterday and spoke with technical support. The rep instructed me to clean as I had already seen online and done several times. After hanging up, I decided to see what happened when I scanned 20 pages through the ADF, instead of just 1, which is what I had been doing. Sure enough, the black line on the left about 1.5 inches from the paper edge was gone! I couldn't believe it, but I can now scan only 1 page and there is no line.
