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Trouble installing Image Browser EX


I am having trouble installing Image Brower EX ( on my PC. I just bought a Canon SX60 and downloaded 2 recommended files. "" & "" both indicated successful installation. However, when I click on the Image Browser, the startup window indicates 80% complete, hangs and displays a POP UP dialog that says the install has a problem. It recommends either Uninstall, reboot, & reinstall or clear the data base via indicated exe-file. I've done both. Still having problems. My PC has Windows7 PRO SP1 running. I also have 2 other Canon Cameras A1000, A1100 & its associated SW loaded on my PC. This SW includes {ZoomBrowser EX:Ver.; CameraWindow DC8: Ver.;  PhotoStitch: Ver.}. During the install results were Image Browser Installed, others updated.

I've CUSTOM installed the Image Browser EX twice already with rotten results. Any suggestions besides uninstalling all of the privious Canon SW?

Thanks in advance.


Accepted Solutions

I got the following hint from Canon Tech support, Richard.


This may have something to do with the storage of images on your computer.

Please click on the "Start/Windows" icon, then click on "Pictures", then check the following:

  1. At the top of the Pictures Window, you'll see the "Includes X (a number) locations" link.
    1. How many locations does it show?
  2. Please click on the link.
    1. Are all the images located on your computer's C: drive?
    2. Do the locations include other physical drives, including USB or network drives?
    3. If you share your computer with anybody else that has their own login in, are any of the locations under their account?

>>The solutions was:

I clicked in MS Library-Pictures and did see the “Includes-2”. Clicked on the link and added my D-partition.

Just for grins, rebooted (the MS desktop-libraries are both a convenience and a curse and are easily corrupted. )

The Canon Image Browser EX did launch correctly after this.

Personally, I consider this a BUG in the Canon SW. Going into a HUNG-STATE during the application launch,

Just because it couldn’t find any pictures path on the C-drive is not a very good user interface.

The application should launch anyway and notify the user of any possible problems with the database.

The user will at least know the SW did launch and correct other problems. Also allows for organized close down
of the application, if desired.

D- partitions on the hard drive shouldn’t cause problems.


I had to call up the task manager to not only end the 2 Canon tasks that were trying to launch,
but also had to go to the processes-tab to end the ‘hung-processes’.

Please send in a bug report to the SW developers for this problem.

View solution in original post



Hi max7529!


Thanks for posting.


Please uninstall ImageBrowser EX again and run the previously recommended EXE file.  Then, uninstall Microsoft Silverlight, download it from the Microsoft website and install it again.  Once it is installed, install ImageBrowser EX again, then try to run it.  Does it still hang at 80%?


If this is a time sensitive-matter, additional support options are available at Contact Us.



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I contacted Canon Support. They even gave me the MS links to clean the supposed corrupted registry, and uninstall, reinstall Silverlight. Did all that. The Silverlight reinstall went successfully. So did the reinstall of Image Browser EX. HOWEVER, when I tried the launch, I got the same 80% initialization and the launch window hangs.The installed CamerWindow works. The Digital Photo Professional launches OK. Zoombrowser still works, but not Image Browser EX.


Note. The exact same installation SW was used on my laptop running Win7 SP1. It installed and worked fine. But it doesn't work on my main desktop PC, running Win7 PRO SP1. Any more suggestions?

Hello Max7539, 

I would recommend downloading the software from the web site instead.


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Sorry Tim. There really is nothing wrong with the SW I downloaded from the Canon web site. In fact there really isn't anything wrong with any of the installations I went through. But there is a serious BUG in the Canon Image Browser EX software launch routines. I got a reply from a Canon Tech named Richard. It was assigned problem report: ImageBrowser EX [#1978501]. I will post his hints and what I had to do to solve the problem. Canon support was very responsive, so any complaints I've seen from unhappy web complainers are completely unwarranted.

I got the following hint from Canon Tech support, Richard.


This may have something to do with the storage of images on your computer.

Please click on the "Start/Windows" icon, then click on "Pictures", then check the following:

  1. At the top of the Pictures Window, you'll see the "Includes X (a number) locations" link.
    1. How many locations does it show?
  2. Please click on the link.
    1. Are all the images located on your computer's C: drive?
    2. Do the locations include other physical drives, including USB or network drives?
    3. If you share your computer with anybody else that has their own login in, are any of the locations under their account?

>>The solutions was:

I clicked in MS Library-Pictures and did see the “Includes-2”. Clicked on the link and added my D-partition.

Just for grins, rebooted (the MS desktop-libraries are both a convenience and a curse and are easily corrupted. )

The Canon Image Browser EX did launch correctly after this.

Personally, I consider this a BUG in the Canon SW. Going into a HUNG-STATE during the application launch,

Just because it couldn’t find any pictures path on the C-drive is not a very good user interface.

The application should launch anyway and notify the user of any possible problems with the database.

The user will at least know the SW did launch and correct other problems. Also allows for organized close down
of the application, if desired.

D- partitions on the hard drive shouldn’t cause problems.


I had to call up the task manager to not only end the 2 Canon tasks that were trying to launch,
but also had to go to the processes-tab to end the ‘hung-processes’.

Please send in a bug report to the SW developers for this problem.


I have similar problem installing Image Browser EX on my MacBookPro with El Capitan.

I initailly instals OK, after clicking on Image Browser EX it goes throug installation and stops at 80% and says that Silverlight is not the newst version. I reinstalled Silverlight but the same probem exist.

Does anyone have solusion to this problem.

I have Canon 5D Mark III and it has Canon GPS attachement. 
