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Raw File conversion to Tiff or Jpeg - best workflow for multiple files in Photo Shop Elements 11


Hello, I am pretty new to shooting in raw and Photoshop Elements (11).  I have one big problem. Once I open Elements up and load the Raw files from the SD card it shows them all on the left side in Camera Raw. I make my contrast and color adjustments if needed, but then my problem starts: I do not really want to make any further adjustments in Elements itself, but in order to save my Raw files either as Tiff or Jpeg it seems like I need to - through clicking on the "open image". Now it only opens up that one particular photo. I did not manage to go simply back to Camera Raw to grab the next one as the screen just disappears. However, this one by one process is of course not the preferred way. I know that there is batch processing, but am also not sure if my adjustments that I did in Camera Raw will carry over as I am actually never saving anything and would like to avoid saving it before all manually as .dng files as it would just be another extra step. I hope I could make clear where I have problems and what I would like to achieve and hope you can help me. Many thanks in advance. 



You should look up Lightroom or Aperture. It will let you process your photos but doesn't change your actual original RAW file. I think it fits your workflow perfectly.
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Thank you.  The same option exists in PS Elements.  Having the RAW file changed is actually not the problem.  I would like to make the adjustments in all of my RAW files and then have them all (including the adjustments) changed into either TIFF or JPEG format.  Right now I have the problem that I make all the adjustments and then from the ACR screen i have to select one or multiple files/photos and it opens up the actual PS screen for further editing the photos.  Now I am somewhat stuck and would need to save one by one into the new format.

I do not own Lightroom (I beta'd Lightroom before it was a v1.0 product).  I use Aperture (but that's only available for Mac).


The advantage of these are that they are specifically optimized for RAW workflow.  The original image out of the camera is treated like a negative out of a film camera... it is never changed.  


As you apply changes, the changes are only displayed on screen.  The changes themselves are not written back to the the RAW.  Aperture (and likely Lightroom but I don't own Lightroom) does create a "thumbnail" version and a "preview" (JPEG) version which is MUCH smaller than the original RAW and these are ONLY so that you can go flying through your albums looking for the image you want.  As soon as you stop on that image to view it full screen, the program opens the original RAW and then reads the list of adjustments that have been performed and literally applies them on-the-fly to the image on screen.


The adjustments are not applied in image-form (they only exist as a "meta data" instructions... data which represents the adjustments to all the various things... white balance, exposure, shadows & highlights, color, saturation, curves/levels, etc. etc.  The computer can represent these changes as a set of instructions rather than altering the actual pixels in the image itself.)


The ADVANTAGE of this... is that photographers change their mind.  Say you made 5 adjustments... and a few weeks later you're looking at that same image and you decide that you don't like one of the adjustments you made.  If the adjustments were actually applied to the original pixels of the image, then you'd be stuck with them (this is a "destructive" change because the original data is now gone... it's been replaced by new data).  But since Aperture and Lightroom keep track of the changes as a metadata list of instructions... you can always just remove one of those instructions (or change it).  


They do actually apply the adjustments when exporting a version of an image (e.g. when you decide to produce a print... or export a JPEG to share on the web, etc.)  But the original data is always safe -- nothing is ever destroyed.


These tools are easy to use (much easier than learning Photoshop -- there are no "layers"... you don't have to make "selections" to affect changes, etc.)  Also if you take a whole shoot in the same light, many global changes should probably be applied to every image taken in that same light (e.g. they probably all need the same "white balance" adjustment).  This is another area where the RAW workflow processing of Lightroom and Aperture shine because it's a snap to adjust an image to your likeing... and then tell the software to apply all (or many) of those adjustments to a whole range of images that you shot that day.



Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

Hi, Philip.

I also sugget you google it and select a Tiff converter whose way of processing is simple and fast to help you with the related work. Remember to check its free trial package first if possible. I hope you success. Good luck.

Best regards,

Get Lightroom 5 6. Smiley Happy 

It will be the best $150 bucks you ever spend on photogrphy.

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@arronlee wrote:

Hi, Philip.

I also sugget you google it and select a Tiff converter whose way of processing is simple and fast to help you with the related work. Remember to check its free trial package first if possible. I hope you success. Good luck.

Best regards,

Hi arronlee

I totally agree with you,It is simple and fast to help you with the tiff converting issues.But do you have any free trial?

I want to get a free trial to process something.Thanks a lot

For TIFF converter, I've tested RaterEdge, there's 30 days free trial on its website, you can search it on google.

Good luck.
