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PowerShot SX70 HS Download pics to computer NOT working!


I have a canon sx70 and am desperately trying to find a program that will download pics and vids to my PC and put them in their date taken folders. I have image transfer utility 2 which is totally useless because it wont work. I deleted it and redownloaded it and still it wont pair with my camera. So that program wont work. I also have Digital photo professional and all it does is edit NOT download pics and vids!!!



a temperarely "solution" :

the SX70 has the option to make a new folder on the SD card. You have to make a new folder for evert day you go shooting.

In "Wrench 1" select : select folder/create folder.

Then make sure you select that "day-folder" the shoot of the day.

With a usb-cable you can transfer the complete directories to your computer. Every day has its directory with pictures. You can yes/no change the name of the directory to DD/MM/YYYY or anything you like, or leave it as it is

My camera has a cable to hook up to my pc. THATS not the problem. The problem is Canon changed the programs to download the pics and vids onto my computer!! Why cant they just leave things alone . If its not broke dont fix it. The OLD program is the one I want back because it will automatically put the pics and vids into their date taken folders without my having to click on new folder, name it then take all of the pics that downloaded in a clump, find the date on the folder I made and put those ones into that folder! THAT is a super pain in the you know what!!!! I can take 1000 pics from different days and to do sort all of that out myself is a super pain!!!!! I WANT THE OLD PROGRAM BACK!!!

That is NOT the problem!!! I need a program ( like the old one they had) that will automatically download all pics and vids into their own date taken folders. For me to open a new folder, find the pics and vids that go into that folder and keep doing that with every pic and vid I took takes forever and is a super pain in the you know what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know that! I dont want that! I want a program like the old one that actually does what I need which is to put pics and vids in the date taken folders!
