Open source ES-E1 driver software


I am a user of the Canon EOS 1V-HS film camera, I also recently attained the ES-E1 USB cable which lets this camera interface with a PC.


Unfortunately the drivers for this USB cable have not been updated for over 10 years.

As this appears to be the only 35mm film camera with this sort of computer interface I am keen to get it working and am confident that this would be a big win for other film enthusiasts out there.


I am aware that the there is no business case for updating the drivers, and am therefore requesting that Canon open source the driver code, so that software developers like myself can bring it in line with current driver standards.


I completely understand if IP issues prevent this from being possible, although it's worth pointing out that many companies of Canon's size have open-sourced similar technology to help strengthen their product eco-system.


Thanks for your time, I'm sure you see the benefits of engaging with the community in areas like this.



I agree


Also it would be great if Canon would load the original CD SW so those of us who can't find the original CD can re-install.

@burkphotos wrote:

I agree


Also it would be great if Canon would load the original CD SW so those of us who can't find the original CD can re-install.

Even if you find the CD, I wouldn't count on it running on any of the current operating systems.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

I am comfortable that if I can get the CD I can get it working as I've seen steps for setting a virtual machine within Windows 7 and I also have a couple of older computers with XP on them.



Hello, Did you ever manage to succeed with your ES-E1 usb cable link software, I recently added the 1V to my collection and am keen to to buy the link software albeit its very rare. Any help and advice would be welcomed.

Yes I was able to get a copy of the software, installed and running.  It is a bit convoluted. [Mod note: Removed personal information for your safety. Also sharing copyrighted software is illegal. Please see FORUM GUIDELINES.]



Hi Stephen

Sorry for the misunderstanding.





Hi Ronnie!


No worries! We have to keep our team of lawyers happy! Smiley Wink

I was able to get a copy of the software by calling Canon Customer Support in USA, going through their prompts to get to technical support for EOS Cameria, Since I have the Cable, box, manual but not able to locate the software disc, they burned a copy of the disk from their technical support copy and shipped it to my home.  Canon Support were amazing, supportive, and quick to provide the software.

Once I had the sw in hand, I followed the instructions posted by EOSFILM here (CLICK ME) setting up a Virtual PC on Windows 7.  And it worked, I have been able to download all the camera details from my EOS-1V. 


[Mod note: I fixed your url - our system didn't recognize your closed parenthesis.]

I just tried the Meta35 cable and software. . It worked perfectly: data download, custom and personal function configuration and even wrting exif data into my scanned images.
