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Low video quality through EOS utility (NOT webcam)


When I record a video through EOS utility it, for some reason, records in noticably lower quality than when I just press the record button on the camera, despite the settings kept unchanged. The end result is a video with the same resolution, bitrate and framerate, but it looks like it's been upscaled from a lower resolution, and almost has an interlaced look to it.


The video is recorded directly to the SD-card, so USB transferrate shouldn't be a problem. I use a 600D, and EOS Utility version (the latest version for 600D as far as I can tell)

Is there a way to resolve this?



@Havreflan wrote:

When I record a video through EOS utility it, for some reason, records in noticably lower quality than when I just press the record button on the camera, despite the settings kept unchanged. The end result is a video with the same resolution, bitrate and framerate, but it looks like it's been upscaled from a lower resolution, and almost has an interlaced look to it.


The video is recorded directly to the SD-card, so USB transferrate shouldn't be a problem. I use a 600D, and EOS Utility version (the latest version for 600D as far as I can tell)

Is there a way to resolve this?

If the camera does not perform as you need, then it is time to upgrade.


The camera must be a decade old by now.  It is most likely no longer a candidate for repairs by Canon, which would also most likely mean it is no longer a candidate for firmware upgrades and fixes.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

It's supported by the EOS webcam utility software, so I guess there is still some sort of ambition behind it.

@Havreflan wrote:
It's supported by the EOS webcam utility software, so I guess there is still some sort of ambition behind it.

The Webcam Utility does not record to the internal memory card.  It does not produce a full HD video signal, either.  Any hope that an upcoming firmware update will "fix" your issues with the camera is probably futile.  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

All I'm saying is that there's obviously developer time being put into supporting compatibility with newer software.


I get what you're saying though. The last version of EOS Utility supported by the 600D is 5 years old. I'm not hoping for a software fix as much as I'm hoping to maybe find someone who's had the same problem and know of a workaround. Or if someone have the same camera but not the same problem. Maybe it's a bug on my end? I can hardly be the only one using EOS Utility to start a recording remotely, even with an older model.
