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EOS Remote for Windows Phone 8


Are there any plans on releasing a version of the EOS Remote software for Windows Phone 8 in the near future?



162 REPLIES 162

The most recent figures from this year i.e. 2012-2013 (the articles you linked to are from 2011 and 2012) suggest that WP isn't doing too well in China. 


Maybe my sources are wrong and the projections detailed in your links are correct - in fact I hope the latter is the case; because this means Canon surely has more impotus to support WP if it is gaining strength in all other app developers:-)

I would be very interested in a Windows Phone app.  Windows phone is here to stay, I will probably switch camera companies before I switch phone providers.

Me to, you should absolutly have a App for the winsows plattform.

Please count me in - recent purchase of 70D only to see my wifi hopes dashed

But you should.

@Stephen wrote:

Thank you all for your interest in Canon’s Mobile Apps! We’re constantly looking to improve and update our software, however at this time we’re not planning on developing a Windows Phone 8 App.


Canon's stance on this is totaly unacceptable and commercialy wrong headed.


Some rational explanationa as to why no app for WP8 is being developed would be good rather than just ignoring user requests and giviing a Corporate speak non answer.

the windows phone market is growing fast:

Could be nice to make this app available for 10% and growing share of the windows phone users.

By not investing in a Windows Phone app, Canon is:


* losing new customers

* losing existing customers

* creating negative PR for itself

* decreasing customer satisfaction

* missing out on positive PR it would have gotten from the cheering Windows Phone fans


In other words, Canon is harming its own business, losing money and customers.

Also could everybody who wants a Windows Phone app please click the Me Too button at the start of this thread? Hopefully this will get their attention faster.

Thanks, I have been waiting for the app for quite awhile but never clicked the Me Too button.