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Drivers For t5i on Mac Catalina 10.15.4


I currently have the t5i. I am trying to see how to acces remote shooting/live view shooting on my computer (mac mini). I downloaded ddp4 and eos utility 3 which also has eos utility 2. The error I encounter is "Eos Utility is not ready". I have searched the driver info and the utility info and it seems to be incompatible with catalina os. Is there anyway to get around this or do I have to wait for canon to issue an update? Any help is appreciated! 



Which program are you running when you get that error message?


Where do you want to save the images, camera or computer?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


1. no driver is required


2. verify that you have the latest versions of the Canon software. I do not get any error when connecting my T5i to MacBook Air with Catalina 10.15.4.

John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic

Hi there,


That's right, you can import directly through Mac's Image Capture app.

1) Click on the Finder icon in your dock (the square smiley face with a line down the middle).

2) Select Applications.

3) Image Capture will be listed in here, double click it to open it.

4) Once Image Capture is open connect the camera and computer with the USB cable. At that point Image Capture should see the camera and begin showing the photos.

5) Once the photos are loaded in you can select the folder you want to save to at the bottom of the window and you can import with the Import button in the bottom right of the window.

I have both running simultaneously, DDP and the utilty, the error message comes from the DDP when trying to access live view on utility. I can save images with no program just the option for remote controlling the camera from utility is greyed out.


Importing I can do just fine. I however cannot access the remote view on the applications.



We are sorry to hear that the issues persist.  We recommend uninstalling the software and then performing a complete re-install from software obtained on the Canon web site. 

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Will try again.

The software compatible with my camera was the eos utility 3 and ddp4. Thats what I downloaded and am having issues with. I have the bundle of the two that reverts to the previous version depending on if my camera requires it. Which version of canon software are you operating.
