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DPP4 AF Points Not Showing

When I tick the AF Points checkbox, no AF points are visible, niether in Quick Check nor Edit windows.
I saw a post here about this issue, which contained a reference to Tools>Preview>Multi-Function Preview, but that did not make AF points visible for me.
Am I missing something?
Chaplain Mark
'Tis better to have a camera and not need one, than to need a camera and not have one.

Canon emailed me their answer to my question about AF points not showing in DPP4.

Here's the copy-and-paste of Canon's email to me:

Dear Chaplain Mark,

Thank you for contacting Canon product support regarding the Digital Photo Professional 4 software for your PowerShot G5 X. I can assist you with the software.

I understand that you are experiencing trouble with the Canon software. As you have a PowerShot G5 X, the Digital Photo Professional 4 software works fully with Canon Digital EOS cameras. Some features will not work as you are using a PowerShot camera.

Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance with your PowerShot G5 X.

Thank you for choosing Canon.


Technical Support Representative


So there we have the answer.

I guess I'll have to go out and buy an EOS so I can see those AF points on my computer screen...

Ah, no.... 😁😁

Thank You,
Chaplain Mark
'Tis better to have a camera and not need one, than to need a camera and not have one.

Your suggestion of using Alt+J helped. Thanks a lot.

FWIW, I have the same situation.  G5x.  Cannot view AF points in DPP.


Pretty lame of Canon not to support power shots.

@ejohansen wrote:

FWIW, I have the same situation.  G5x.  Cannot view AF points in DPP.


Pretty lame of Canon not to support power shots.

Lame?  No, it isn't.  How many AF points does your camera have?  It has the same number as most PowerShots.  One!

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

You can move the AF point.

@ejohansen wrote:

You can move the AF point.

"Cannot view AF points in DPP."


Good, we're on the same page now.  One AF point, not multiple AF poinnts.  It is what it is.  I doubt if it will change.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


7 years later....

Same problem.  Was searching for a solution to the same issue and came across this thread.  Must be a HUGE problem if it's 7 years later and Canon still can't figure out how to fix it and make it easy to use...

As I noted earlier, if the AF system isn’t active and locked when the shutter is fired, then DPP will not display a locked AF point. 

Your cameras should behave the same way. 

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thanks for the reply.  Actually, AF was active and it originally showed these points when I opened in DPP, but had a huge "info" panel obscuring 1/4 of the screen In trying to get rid of that screen suddenly the focus points now won't come back.  I tried the advice given earlier in this thread after searching for "how to", but the indicated button to select for showing the focus points (which was helpful info here!) won't work.  

DPP has always been a clunky, non-intuitive piece of kluged-together software and for that reason I've always used other software - mainly GraphicConverter, which does everything DPP can do - and much more (like always show the focus point, regardless of manual or auto-focus - ) and works well and intuitively.  Then of course Photoshop for post-processing.  I was just trying to see what DPP might show for a particular situation (kinda as a double-check) but have already spent way too much time trying to figure out this archaic clunky software.  It just reminds me why I don't use it and why there isn't any good reason to waste my time further.  I do appreciate your time to respond.  Thanks!
