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DPP 4 or photoshop elements or adobe lightroom


Hi everyone, 


I have a newbie question for you.  I have recently started editing photos with Canon digital photo professional that came with my Rebel.  It seems to do everything I want it to do with the exception of maybe ease of editing one particular section of a photo.  Would it be worth it to move up to photoshop elements or adobe lightroom?  Would I get that much bang for my buck?  Thanks!





I usually use the auto gamma adjust slider in RAW. Sometimes the hilites are blown, or the darks blocked. Left click always on the image while in edit, and choose to show the hilite/shadow warnings. Adjust the hilite and shadow sliders till they almost go away. Can be a bit slow so give it time. Start with a decent exposure and you will end up with perfection. I never use saturation, or contrast sliders, do that in GIMP if needed. Been doing this for years and get great shots. Extra work, and slow, but most shots don't really need the extra steps. Love the R5, had it for a month now. Still keeping my 5D4, tho. Ithink it may handle lo lite situations better.
