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Canon Digital Photo Professional wouldn't start after the latest win10 update


Hi Everyone,

I always used DPP 4.11 without problem, but few days ago windows10 did some updates by itself and as result,  now any time i try to start DPP, i get an error message "Runtime error" : " this application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way- microsoft visual C++ runtime library".
I tryied to uninstall DPP and reinstall it few times,but I could'nt find a solution to make it start.
If someone had my same experience and maybe found the solution yet, please let me know.


Thank you very much in advance to everyone, that would pay attention to my problem and that will help to solve my issue.


Best Regards

Mark Di Giovanni


BTW it is not necessary to uninstall and reinstall DPP 4. Simply deleting the mentioned folder fixed the issue at least for me, I did break it multiple times deliberately and tested this fix, 🙂 .

Thanks! What version of Lens Registration tool are you using?

I'm using DPP 4 version and EOS Lens Registration Tool version 1.10.0 that's packaged with the DPP 4 version installer from Canon site. It's been stable since - I've worked on several of my RAW files since, no issues thus far. 

Deleting the Canon_Inc_IC folder in C:\ProgramData\ did it! Thanks mraj for this tip! I tested to make sure I can convert my RAW photo and that my lens correction work. It does. Woo! Smiley Happy


Here is my method.

1. Install DPP 4.11.0 from Canon website
2. Delete Canon_Inc_IC folder in C:\ProgramData\
3. Uninstall the Lens Registration tool.
4. Install DPP 4.10.50 from Canon website

This gave me DPP and Lens Registration Tool and it seems to work.




Thank you, that sounds like a good workaround. I'll give this a shot over the weekend, rightnow getting my images processed :).


Cheers, Raj

Now, is this a great community or what? Smiley LOL


Thank you Raj (mraj) and John (moranjr), that worked perfectly great for me as well, after having gone through the whole nine yards with stuff like cleaning up Runtime Visual C++, etc., all to no avail.

Now DPP4 is up and running again (4.11.), as well as Lens Registration Tool (which caused the crash to begin with).


Thanks again!!!



Karl-Heinz (RedGT3 :D), Awesome! thank you :).  

Hi, thanks for this suggestion.


1. DPP - Uninstalled


2. I don't know where the "Program Data" folder is.


3. I don't know where "Program Files (64)" folder is.


4. I know where "Program Files" folder is, and deleted the "Canon" folder from there.


5. Rebooted


6. Reinstalled DPP


7. Didn't work







As already mentioned by "shrimage" earlier in this thread ("Just understand that ProgramData is a hiden folder so you need to change some viewing settings options and you will find it in C: drive"), the folder ProgramData is a hidden folder! You first need to make the hidden folders visible.


You DO NOT have to DELETE any other folders!!! Only that particular Canon folder in ProgramData.
