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Best cable for tethering R5 to M2 Max MacBook Pro running Capture One


Tether Tools cables are just not hacking it. Way too many disconnects. On a recent shoot, my Digi Tech said she always uses Area 51 cables, but she'd noticed the cables possibly overheating and disconnecting with the M2 MacBook Pro. I shoot portraits and lifestyle, so on a typical lifestyle shoot, I may be shooting 2-5K images, so pushing a lot of data through that cable. What are your preferred cables in the 16' plus range (shooting lifestyle so handheld, moving around)? 



In my short experience with an R Series body, if the USB cable does not include baluns, then the cable will work intermittently or not at all.

I still feel the best solution for the shooting scenario that the OP described is a Canon Wi-Fi adapter.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Do Tether Tools or others have baluns options, or is that something that I'd need to add in myself? 
