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canon fs40 won't power on


I haven't used my canon fs40 camcorder for almost 2 years.  I tried today and it won't power on.  I've tried the power cord but that doesn't work either.  I can't find my battery charger and can't remember using it before.  Do I need a charger or will it charge the battery by just plugging it into the wall?  Doesn't seem to.  Help...thanks



While it should work with the power cord, it is possible that you may need new batteries.  If you do not know what you are doing, experimenting with power cords and batteries can be extremely dangerous. 


While not the cheapest option, getting the unit professionally tested and inspected is your safest and best course of aciton.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thanks for the response.  I had the power cord plugged into the wrong place on the camera.  It now works with the power cord.  Not with the battery alone so I will assume I need a new battery.  I can't find the charger so may get one of those 1st to see if it will charge.   Thanks again!

