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Vixia HG20 won't connect to my computer HELP!!!!


I've tried everything noted on the canon site ie. don't use a hub, unlplug, etc etc and nothing has worked.  When I plug in the usb cable and select printer/computer on the camera I see the usb icon on the top of the viewer but nothing happens after that.  My computer doesn't see the camera.   I've tried this on two different computers running windows 7 at different patch levels and loaded the canon digital video software and the imagemixer 3 on the older PC to no avail.  Please can anyone help as canon won't support this anymore.



hello dhusaim38, 

Checking USB Connections You should disconnect and reconnect the USB cable at ends to ensure there is a secure connection on the camcorder side as well as the computer side. It may also be necessary to try a different USB port on the computer.

  1. Disconnect one end of the cable and then reseat it ensuring the cable is firmly seated into the USB port. If the USB cable is plugged into a hub instead of directly into the computer, try connecting the USB cable directly into the computer.
  2. Repeat step one to reseat the cable on the other end.

  3. If there is still no communication, then it may be necessary to try a different USB cable or a different port on the computer.

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Thank you but I’ve done all of that. I assume when I see the usb “icon” on the camcorder screen it means it’s connected??? Which makes this more confusing. I’ve tied 2 different cables, checked the 2 different ports with my sub mouse and everything is working but the camera just won’t show up on either of the 2 pc’s I’m trying with


I am sorry this continues to occur.  It is possible there is an issue within the unit itself.  We would ordinarily recommend service for this type of item, but the VIXIA HG20 is no longer in service life.  

Since we're unable to service it another option would be the Canon Upgrade Program. The Canon Upgrade Program allows you to replace your non-functioning product. All refurbished equipment offered through this program carries a full one year limited warranty.

If you'd like to take part in the Canon Upgrade Program please call our Pre-Sales and Accessories department at 1-800-652-2666, Monday-Saturday: 9:00 am to 9:00 pm EST. Please let them know you have been working with online-support and that your equipment has been deemed out of service life. Please have the serial number of your product at the time of your call.

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Thank you but my deepest need is to get the video from the camera as it has 10 years of Christmas and birthday recordings. The computer I had “most” of this on failed so there is no other copy of these so there must be a way to get this. The camera is functioning just fine otherwise. There has got to be some technical solution. When I called canon the woman I spoke to said she didn’t even know who to call since it’s out of support but there has to be someone in your organization that has knowledge

Have you installed the Video browser software that comes with the camera? That is what allows you to download from the camera especially when windows does not recognize it.

Yes I have on two different computers and still no go.

What are you trying to download? Pictures or video? 10 years of video means the camcorder was hardly used in the period? I have used the G20 for about 3 years now and I have constantly downloaded videos over USB safely and I am using windows 10. I doubt that the internal memory would keep info for that long? Even at the lowest quality? The only thing I can say is that your USB port on the camcorder is faulty. Over the period have you used the USB port to download to a computer before?

Hi there,


Even if the USB connection is unsuccessful, you can still go into your camera's menu settings and copy the internal data onto an SD card and use an externa USB SD card reader to transfer the images as if they were from an external USB thumb drive. this would bypass any communication issues between the camera and your Windows 7 PCs and may even be a faster transfer method than the direct camera-to-PC connection as well.

This answer from the product expert also makes sense and should be another sure way to download your recordings. Unless of course your SD slot is also malfunctioning? In that case you are STUCK!