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Vixia HF R700 unable to transfer mp4 files to Win 10 PC


I can't upload mp4 video files from my Vixia HF R700 to my Windows 10 PC, using the Pixela transfer utility.(over USB)
I get an error message saying that the images could not be imported.

I can see and import AVCHD files no problem though.
(Both Mp4 and AVCHD files play back on the camera no problem)

I have also tried an external card reader with no luck.

Please advise.



Hello timcraig,


The CameraWindow software should be able to transfer the video files to your Windows 7 computer. You should also be able to see subfolders in the DCIM folder you mentioned in the Removable Storage that shows up when the camera is connected.


Since CameraWindow is having trouble importing the files, and nothing is showing up in the DCIM folder on the Removable storage, there may be an issue with the formatting of the memory card. When the card was first inserted into the camera was it initialized using the Initialize option in the Wrench section of the camcorder's menu?


To verify, when the camcorder is connected to the computer, and powered on in the Playback mode, you do not see any files/folders inside of the DCIM folder that appears on the Removable storage of the camcorder? If not, this may indicate an issue with the formatting of the card.


If there is an alternate card to test I would put it in the camcorder, initialize it using the initialize option in the camcorder's menu, take a test clip, and try to transfer that clip. I would not initialize the current card as it will wipe out all data on the card during the process.


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There's none so happy as those who have recovered their lost video files Smiley Wink


I've always transferred mp4 clips that way. Even if you do use the Canon utlilty for transferring clips over USB, it's good to have a card reader as back-up for such an eventuality. The USB dongle multi-card readers are inexpensive.


Hi all,


So, I have a similar problem. I recorded about two hours worth of material this past week on my Vixia HF R800, but now I can't find it. At all. I have multiple witnesses saying that they saw me hit the record button (just for my own sanity). The videos were recorded, but then when I checked the playback, they weren't there. I put the SD card into my card reader and plugged that into my computer and nothing. I also noticed that videos from the past two weeks were also gone.


The thing is that the space on the SD card is reduced. Before the two-hour recording session, I had 5 or so hours. I now have 2.5 hours. So, I know that the videos were recorded, but I have no idea where they are. And they're not hidden. 


Any help???

@djtiberious wrote:

I put the SD card into my card reader and plugged that into my computer and nothing. I also noticed that videos from the past two weeks were also gone.

Just to be clear - when you open the DCIM folder on the SD with File Explorer is it completely empty or do you still see the sub-folders that are created for each new recording date ? There should also be a sub-folder labelled CVMISC which contains catalogue index (.ctg) files for each of the video or photo sub-folders. 

Yes, I see folders, subfolders, and old videos and everything corresponding with those videos too.


It's like the videos that I recorded this past week weren't ever recorded, but I know that they were because I hit the record button and watched the timer (it was for a graded project) to make sure that all the students had the same amount of time.

@djtiberious wrote:

Yes, I see folders, subfolders, and old videos and everything corresponding with those videos too.

You initially said that those were gone too ?


@djtiberious wrote:

It's like the videos that I recorded this past week weren't ever recorded....

Well, if the old videos are still there and it's just the videos you recorded the past week that are missing, the only logical possibilities are that you didn't actually record them or that you/someone inadvertantly erased them, in which case the respective sub-folder(s) and CTG index file(s) in the CVMISC folder will be erased too. 


Sure you didn't record them on a different SD card ?

I was afraid that was the case. I'm sure that it's not on a different SD card.


Is it possible that they were recorded on the built-in memory? I'm not sure how to check that, though, as I don't have a USB cable going from the camera to a computer.

The HF R800 doesn't have internal memory.


Edit: Actually one thing you could do to see if the videos were recorded, and subsequently deleted, is look at the numbering of the sub-folders.


I don't know if it's the same on the HF-R800, but on my HF-G40 the format is a 7 figure number - the first three figures are a sequential index number and the last four specify the month and day. So for example, say I have three sub-folders on an SD card for videos recorded over the last three days, numbered:






If I were to erase all of the videos (scenes) recorded today (March 21st) and then resume recording, the last 397_0321 folder would be erased and new folder (398_0321) would be created. The sequential three-figure prefix is continuous, even if you re-initialize or swap the card.


So if there is discontinuity in the folder numbering it means that one or more folders, and their content, were erased. Maybe you could work it out that way.


Yep. It looks like the folders are sequential and there's a gap of 5 folders. I guess this just further supports that the files were deleted one way or another.


Thanks for all your help.

Sorry to hear that. Needless to say, it's prudent to back-up (transfer) video files to PC before deleting on the card, whole folders especially.

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