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Livestream with Canon XA50?



Does anyone know how I can livestream with my Canon XA50? I just bought this camcorder to use to record my podcast. I wanted to use it to go live as well but can't get my Dell laptop to recognize the camera through HDMI or USB. I looked for utility software for this after I saw other Canon cameras have this capability but cant find any. 

Does anyone know how I can use the cam to livestream? I also was trying to figure out if I can use my Dell laptop as an external monitor. I'm pretty tech savvy & even I cant figure this out & it's maddening. Especially after spending all this money on a new camera & other equipment. 



Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi there,

The camcorder will output the video signal via HDMI but connecting the camcorder directly to your computer's HDMI port will most often not work because usually those ports are HDMI output only. To get around this limitation you would use a USB capture device with an HDMI input, this would allow your camcorder's HDMI output be recognizable as a webcam-like device.
