Ok, i had my 6D up on the tripod when my little girl pushed it over and now the camera will not turn on. So, I have sent it to Canon, not under any warranty or anything. How much am I looking at here?
Monday, hopefully... I will get an email with a decent price tag. Fingers crossed. It didn't roll down a mountain. Bounced off the couch and onto carpet. Anything over $800 I may as well put it toward an upgrade.
Oouch.. i think in my searches for the cost of repairs, I seen others miss that tiny checkbox. I'm new to Photography but I have already invested a decent sum into lenses that honestly it's kinda of silly not to insure the stuff.
You know, I should have checked on the insurance through PPA, I joined a while back for the educational videos and pay my dues. But I'm sure there is a big deductable. I will have to check and see.
Lol, thanks. From my looking around, it seems like the "average" camera repair is ~$200-250. Now, that's not a sensor. I don't even want to think about that.