Hey guys, please look at this image, and blow it up. There are spots in the background that I can't get rid of. It must be in the lens as I have cleaned the lens front and back, and the filers. Any idea how to fix this?
That sounds very possible as I wouldn't expect dust on the surface above the mirror. I have made an appointment with my local camera shop, and he says he is very familiar with cleaning these surfaces. Thanks for all the help!!
I was just wondering how dust got in there as I rarely change lenses, and I am looking back to when I got this camera and it appears it was there all along. My second T6 does not have this problem.
You are right. I cleaned the screen above the mirror and spots are all gone in the viewfinder, so it appears dust is the problem. I don't want to mess with the sensor, so I am calling local photo shops to see who can clean the sensor..
To really complicate this, I went back and took some shots. With every lens I can see the spots, so I have eliminated the lens as the problem. It is funny that when I went back, I can see the spots through the viewfinder also. Possible the mirror and...
I am using a Canon T6. I have a second one so I am going to switch lenses and reshoot today to see if the marks are still there, then I will know if it is a lens problem or camera.