The problem is strange. Using Ilford Smooth Gloss paper. The image will start to print OK but very quickly the printer makes a very loud noise like a ratchet for a second or two, prints a bit more then another noise. I have to abandon the print job b...
Hello everyone, recently my printer has some problems, it began to print fuzzy and did not print traces, after cleaning the situation worse, whether the adsorption capacity with the pump accessories?
In case of this,you should replace the toner cartridge, you can to buy compatible of toner cartridge if you want to save some money. Using the EBY of toner cartridge is no difference to the original when printing.
If your printing is particularly large, note that the printer may use the 20 cartridge, and the printer might have this problem. If such a problem occurs, it is better to send the printer to the service station, replace a new waste ink pad and reset ...
Ink jet printer has a waste ink pad, its role is to absorb the print head cleaning when the exhaust ink. The amount of ink consumed by each printer in different ways is different, and is controlled by the main board. The counter accumulates the amoun...