Thank you. I will pull it out of the closet and give it a try. Canon offered me a discount on a new printer but I can't see throwing good money after bad. I have been using my now 11+ year old HP printer since the Canon died. I was disappointed th...
My printer is only 2 1/2 years old and I got this error. Canon's answer is to buy another printer. Ok. I will go buy another HP as my last HP, that the Canon MG6620 replaced, lasted 10 years. I held on to the old HP for some unknown reason. I plu...
Same problem. 2 1/2 year old printer and Canon said it is unrepairable. It should have lasted more than 2 1/2 years. This will be my last Canon purchase.
I received this error and have spent hours trying to fix this. What has anyone else tried successfully. Canon's response was to buy another printer. This one is only 2 years old. My last HP lasted 10 years and was still working great when i replac...